SEALOG is an application used by scientific teams involved in collecting biological samples. It features functions for integrating biological data and analysing taxonomy.

This application is available on request from the oceanographic fleet department (DFO) at or prior to the cruise preparation meeting for ships carrying an electronics engineer. It is installed on a single work station aboard ship prior to the start of the cruise.

Leveraging data imported from the CASINO and ADELIE applications, SEALOG enables the user to create and complete data from:

  • Surface operations
  • Diving operations
  • Mooring operations

SEALOG extracts the essential information from data acquired aboard ship, relating to the samples collected during the cruise. It is also possible to extract cruise reports from the software:

  • List of samples collected and their associated managers
  • Report on each dive and its associated events
  • Etc.


SEALOG generates a database containing a summary of this information which will then be imported into the cruise catalogue in accordance with a procedure which involves the scientific team and the scientific information system SISMER. This procedure is covered by the utmost confidentiality.



  • Import operations from other software (CASINO, ADELIE)
  • Create new operations
  • Complete ongoing operations at sea with data from samples, measurements and photos
  • Generate cruise reports, lists of samples, etc.

Data sources managed by the tool are:

  • Events from the electronic logbook CASINO
  • Diving data from the ADELIE software

These functions enable the user to quickly and easily summarize the information collected during the cruise. The following screenshots show how research data is displayed (source: scientific cruise MOMARSAT).


SEALOG is available on request for ships of the oceanographic fleet as soon as the electronics engineer has embarked. Time has to be allocated for setting up the application for the cruise. This must be completed several weeks before the start of the cruise, in collaboration with the cruise team, the DFO and SISMER. Free training is available, on request from the DFO.

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