The main functions of the SUBOP software are listed below:
- System configuration: definition of the interfaces with the external sensors, with the electronic parts, with the printer…
- Option to use specific parameters according to the water depth.
- Control of the power electronics and the reception chain.
- Interface with the external sensors (nav, bathy, motion sensors, external synchronization).
- Noise level estimate on the reception chain.
- User interface displays :
- 3 displays: profile, trace and spectrum.
- Display of the acquisition parameters and of the data from external sensors.
- Alarm display
- Automatic computation of the recording delay according to the water depth.
- 3 configurations for the acquisition: simple-ping / multi-ping / external synchronization.
- Compensation of the vessel’s movements (pitch, roll, heave).
- Real time printing of the seismic profile on an EPC printer.
- Possible use on the AUV.
- Raw data recording in the standard SEGY format (option for dual-recording).
- Replay of the acquired data.