Antedon II specializes in coastal oceanography. She operates along the coasts of the Var and the Bouches-du-Rhône.
The Néréis operates for the most part around Banyuls and its wider region.
The Sépia is fitted out for coastal fishing and operates up to 20 miles from the coast, mostly around Boulogne and its wider region.
The Sagitta III is fitted out for coastal fishing and operates up to 20 miles from the coast, mostly in Villefranche roads and around the BOUSSOLE buoy.
The Neomysis is fitted out for coastal fishing and operates up to 20 miles from the coast, mostly within a 30 mile radius of Roscoff (between Aber Wrac’h and Lannion Bay.
Planula IV operates exclusively in Arcachon Bay.
The Albert Lucas is fitted out for coastal fishing and operates mostly in Brest roads and the Iroise sea.